Subject: The Study of Religion in English
“Dolmen” is an electronic discussion list for the study of religion in English. The list is intended both for discussion and for announcements of interest to researchers, teachers and students in the field. "Dolmen" is part of an interlocking network of six electronic discussion lists sponsored by the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). This association is affiliated to the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) and in turn links various national associations .Each list is loosely defined by language regions across national boundaries. In order to facilitate and maintain their academic character, the lists are not open to the broad public and subscribers may be asked to briefly explain their acadamic interests in the study of religion. The EASR will place occasional announcements on these lists. Individuals may subscribe to more than one list. Membership of the lists is not exclusive to members of the EASR or the affiliated national associations. Subscribers from outside Europe are very welcome.
The six lists currently operated by the EASR are:
Candide (French)
Dolmen (English)
Most (East European languages)
Synkron (Nordic languages)
Tonantzin (Italian/Spanish/Portuguese)
Yggdrasill (German)
The languages are not exclusive; for example English is quite common on Synkron, and Romanian might be used on Candide or on Tonantzin. All these lists operate on the same system. For further information about all these lists see under "networks".
All lists are maintained by the Internet Officer of the EASR. This function is currently filled by Carmen Becker (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany). Please contact her in case you have questions or need assistance.